We Won a Book of Coupons to go to Adventureland Theme Park via their Facebook Page!! It is so Cool, Leo is so excited and cant wait to go. I’ll add lots of photos after our trip to Adventureland Theme Park. We are supposed to go this weekend if Daddy can make some extra money to pay for us to putt putt too. If not we’ll still take Leo so he can do the stuff and have fun!!
Thanks AdventureLand Theme Park for the book of coupons!!
They have Putt Putt!
Go Karts for even more action packed fun!
A Batting Cage, I never tried one of them before. You get 20 Balls!
This was a Jackpot worth more than 3500 Tickets! Could you imagine being that winner!! WOW!!
If you are ever in Dothan, Alabama or you want to plan a trip to some where fun a little bit away from home, come here! You will have a good time. They have lots of fun stuff to do which I’ll list below.
3738 West Main Street
(Hwy. 84 West)
Dothan, Alabama 36305
Phone 334-793-9100
World Wide Web Address
They do Birthday parties, events and more.
The park includes:
ADVENTURE BOATS (With Squirters)
$160,000 in Arcade Games
Oh that looks like so much fun!
Lucky you! What a nice treat!
Looks like yall will have fun!
WOW that place looks like so much fun! I don’t thing we have one near us, but I am going to look into it. Congrats on your awesome win.
Very cool. You are going to have a great time! Can’t wait to read all about it after you go.
Congratulations! It looks like a fun amusement park. I look forward to reading about your experience.
oh! what a fun prize! congratulations and have fun!
3,500 dollars worth of winnings? That is really AWESOME! I’ve been to Alabama but, only along Greenbay-Mobile and also in Hartford
almost to Dothan hehehe
wow! congratulations
Congratulations on your win.