Doctors visit today for our son Leo. We went in because he was sick with a sore throat, fever, headache, stuffy nose and we ended up with a diagnosis of something else. Honestly I knew it for a little while now, but no Doctor has yet said it, they only said he had a learning disability. There are certain things our son can and cannot do, like ride a bike he is nine years old, ten in July this year. He excels in other things like math, he can pick apart computer software and replace images with his own.
Every one knows what Super Mario Bros. looks like right? Well he has it on the computer and he removed all of the games images and replaced them with his own (so its not Super Mario Bros. no more its Leo’s world). There are a few physical and verbal things that got the doctors attention also, not to mention the fact he had did not have fully developed lungs at birth and had oxygen loss too, this is why he is having problems.
He would probably like to take the camera!
The Doctors office always makes Daddy tired.
The bag of medicine after the doctors visit.
As for as his sickness for today he was given Amoxicillin for Strep Throat, Rynex DM Liquid its for decongestant, Prednisolone (steroid) for his Asthma and Nasonex for his allergies. He has allergy induced asthma and when his allergies get bad so does his breathing. There is no escaping allergies unless we lived in a bubble, his dad is allergic to everything grass, trees, pollen, hay and lots of outside stuff. Cutting grass just about kills him, he should probably wear a gas mask and goggles, lol seriously though!
Well what was the diagnosis? (ASD) Autism Spectrum Disorder. I kinda knew he had some form of autism, it saddens me, but I’m just glad to have my sweet boy either way.
Me on our ride home today from taking him to the Doc’s.
It sounds like he has high functioning autism–and as for allergies–I have the same problem!!
I am sorry to hear about your son. I understand the allergy situation I have a lot myself. I have to carry an epipen with me at all times.
I don’t know much about Autism but from what I’ve heard, the kids who have it are pretty much geniuses in a way. They see and do things that others can’t so that is amazing however the things they find difficult doing is what makes it really hard I’m sure.
Sorry to hear he’s been feeling sick but hopefully the medicine will work. Sounds like he has his dad’s allergies.
I like how you included the different photos and wrote what was happening in the photos. That was different and neat to see. Hope he starts feeling better very very soon.
My son has Autism, too. He is almost 11 but was diagnosed at age 17 months.
Aaawww! that is hard, i don’t know what you are going through but you sure are a strong person. We all need to pray for God’s Kingdom and can’t wait for his intervention and take away all our sufferings and illnesses. We all can’t wait for that time to come.
I have met several kids with different levels of Autism, the only thing I know for sure is that they are all brilliant. They excel in so many areas and get frustrated because we are so far behind them in learning. I love all the kids that I have met and they have taught me more than anyone I know.
he’ll be fine though. he looks normal in the pictures when acting in front to other people.
You have one gifted child Marie.
Wow, sounds like you guys cleared out the pharmacy today. Sorry to hear about all of your son’s health problems. I have allergies too and they can be horrible. As for the autism, there are so many more resources now than in the past. If nothing else, you should be able to easily collect information to help you understand and assist our son better.
Your family will be alright … besides, you have a wonderful boy
The eldest son of brother is autistic. He excel in class (in a regular class) and he is about the age of your son now. Definitely bigger than I am
we love him dearly. His mom is a licensed engineer but, she is a stay at home mom now to take care of him. Anyway, you should join a support group … they are very helpful.
He is still the Leo that you knew yesterday and will always be the great kid that you’ve grown up to know and love. Hopefully this diagnosis will provide you with any support that you need.
I know that there is a huge support system of parents and others that are ready to help you when you’re ready.
My brother has all the same qualities that make Leo special and I wouldn’t have him any other way.
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Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
I have so many friends whose children have autism. I have been around Leo some. these children are the most loving most brilliant children I have seen. You have a great child on your hands and you are doing a wonderful job as his mom.