Our Weather Has Been Crazy!
You know everyday it’s something different with this crazy weather. We go from almost 1 degree to 60 degrees from day to day! Yesterday it was Beautiful out we took the huge A/C unit out of the window that didn’t work anymore and were able to open the window and put a fan in it! After we had to find a screen, we rent and well when you rent you don’t always get the things you should have because well, whatever, anyways. We had to swipe the screen from the back porch window, we don’t open it anyways I’m afraid the smell of the dogs hay and stuff will come through and we’re all allergic! It was over 60 yesterday and sunny to the point that my kitchen curtains were closed, but I could still feel the heat just radiating through them. They were energy efficient, but the hubby put them through the dryer and they melted to each other. So I pulled them apart and this made them spotted where you can see sun right through them, almost like there are no curtains. Still blinding lol
Late last night it started to get pretty darn cold. So I cranked on the propane heater and turned it’s fan on to warm it up fast. Which it did and it was on low when I woke up, but it was freezing in here. It’s raining out and yucky now! I cannot take the weather, it really affects our health. Our son Leo is starting to cough and hopefully it passes and he doesn’t get a cold. I just hate when he’s sick, he suffers miserably, because he cannot blow his nose without gagging or even puking.
We are all piled in here on my bed that includes 2 cats and a dog flipped on his back and we are on our computers. I’m writing and he’s doing school work and then gonna write a blog post on his site. I think he has forgotten it for a little while, I’m trying to get him into the habit of wanting to write! I love it and sometimes it’s the best way for me to express myself especially to my husband. I just write him a letter cause I’m not always good with words and I get annoyed easy lol ya, ya! I just know that writing is a good outlet and I want him to use it. When there are things he is afraid to say to me cause he will be embarrassed I will tell him to write me a letter and I will respond with one. It can make things so much easier!
I remember as a kid when we lived back on Morgan Street in Detroit, Michigan off of Van Dyke Road. It was a dead end road because it was fenced off and an airport just passed the fence. There weren’t many houses on this very short block at all, but I do remember fields with lots of spiders, butterflies and praying mantises everywhere in the field. That’s another story! Back to writing notes or letters I used to write notes to my mom asking her something and requesting an answer on paper, my sister would take it and bring it back or vice versa. Funny when you think about the stuff you did as kids. It was an easy way to ask for something when you thought the answer was probably going to be no, it made it easier to take and I could say what I wanted without her hearing me, when she pissed me off with a no. I was a feisty smart mouth lol when I wanted to be, not that it was a good thing.
Now it’s been pouring for hours out there, just raining cats and dogs! I wish it would stop raining for a few the rain just irritates me, it makes me all tired and lazy, like I want to get under the covers and just hide out and keep warm! By now I have left the computer and returned to finish writing this. I showered, made lunch, did a few dishes even though I didn’t really feel like it.
Now I’m awaiting on the hubby to come home from his job and then I get to cook again! Woohoo! The photo below describes how I feel about that sometimes! LOL
It seems like I never stop doing dishes and cooking meals, it’s like an all day event. I guess I do it to myself always making complete meals from scratch and I mean scratch. If I make soup I make the noodles, if I make dinner rolls I actually make the dough. Now I do love cooking, baking and all that fun kitchen stuff, but I do not like cleaning my messes! They can be complete and total messes!
Tonight I will be making cubed pork steaks, mashed potato and probably green beans. I hope I can get our son to eat the cubed pork steaks. He tends to be very picky and doesn’t like so much meat. He says it’s to chewy when something is completely tender, like a pork loin! Now I can bake a pork loin in sauce in the oven sealed up on a very low temp for several hours and he will eat that like there’s no tomorrow. Now if I slice that pork loin and cook in a pan he says it’s chewy and cannot eat it. He goes to the garbage can and practically barfs it out of his mouth. I guess it has to do with the texture issues he has, I just hope he grows out of it much faster than he is.
I also made a beautiful cake that we’ll be having a slice of after dinner. I made a cake last night and I completely forgot the oil well it turned out pretty darn good. I made the cannoli filling and put that as the center layer of icing and then completely covered the cake with a chocolate icing! This icing is so good! Want the recipe? I’ll post it later this evening so be on the look out!
What’s for dinner at your place tonight?
I hope you are having better weather today. I just moved out of an apartment that I would turn the oven on and keep it on to warm my place up, with the door closed it still gave off alot of heat & I didn’t have to worry about my cat getting hurt. I hate being cold. Your family is lucky to have you cooking and cleaning for them! Have a good day.
Thanks and it’s better so far, however I haven’t attempted to cook haha
it’s cool this morning, but I woke up and turned off the heaters cause it was actually hot in here. I was like yes less electric bill lol whenever we can turn them off and have no air or heaters is always great!