It’s So Beautiful Outside Today!
Today it is super Beautiful out and the temp isn’t too hot, well it’s hot out. There is the most heavenly breeze blowing while I walked the yard enjoying the beauty of it all on this lovely Sunday afternoon. Felt for a moment as if I didn’t have a care in the world. I wish there wasn’t so many ants and stinging bugs out there so I could put a blanket on the ground and lay down to bake in the sun!
While I was out there I tried to get the Flutterbies but they didn’t want to be shot (with camera) today! However this beautiful black dragonfly had no problem posing for me.
I loved how he moved just so slightly from photo to photo.
We still notice new things we never seen in our yard before, it’s funny cause we been here a while now. We never noticed with all the walks we take that there was a gas cap between two branches in the tree. The tree has grown around it locking the gas cap in place. I was like WOW! I can’t believe I never noticed with all of the photos I have taken of the trees.
There was also this cute lil cricket trying his hardest to hide from me! I got a photo of him though! It was kinda sad he was so scared of me. I didn’t hurt the Lil Feller lol
And here is a slideshow of how beautiful it is out there today!
I love dragon flies but they are normally such teases when it comes to photography. You got lucky there. I have tried lying in wait, or sneaking up on them, probably hundreds of times and just never got a shot of one that was in focus!
I couldn’t agree more! I took probably over 20 photos of that dragonfly! lol I finally got a couple good ones! Thanks for commenting and have a great day!
Can’t say I like insects that much, but those landscape pictures are gorgeous! It’s probably a lot warmer there than it’s here, too (we’ve had rain, more rain, and wind these past few days. Curse Belgian weather!).
It’s amazing the things we can find when we take the time to look closely. It seems that we are in a bit of a rush sometimes, it’s nice to slow down and take it all in. It looks like you’ve got a really good camera to be able to take such amazing pictures of the little critters. I don’t think my camera would have done such a nice job. Thanks for sharing these, they make we want to go out and take a slow walk through the woods with the kids.