September’s Earnings! How Much Did Your Blog Earn?
So this month I have to say I did a little better than last month and the month before. My hopes are that this can continue! I have earned about a grand this month. Which is super cool because it’s extra income for our household. We normally earn about $2500.00 gross a month for hubby’s job. So for me to add this is super cool! I think it’s great to finally see earnings from my blog! I already have about $500.00+ for October! I really like that blogging is a benefit finally! It doesn’t happen over night, it takes time to start earning. I have been at this for years and not just blogging. I have had my own hosting, design and domain sites.
So lets break it down for the month!
Total Gross Earnings for the month: $1050.46
Monthly Blog Expenses: -$50.14
That’s awesome! I’ve signed up for Sverve, but never really use it. Looks like I should!