Some Of The Best Labor Day Sales!
It’s always a pleasure when I can find some of the best Labor Day Sales especially when I can find them on some of the items I really need! I love to wait all year just to hit these sales and another sale closer to the end of the year. Where do you find your best Labor Day Sales? I search the internet weeks in advance to find them and so glad I do!
Bass Pro Shops runs some awesome deals on camping gear this time of year.
Hi there,
I love shopping, but more than that I love to save. I became hooked on “Winning” when the coupon shows start airing on cable, now Netflix. A very common tool that most of the ladies used was a website called
The cool thing about this site is that your not only pointed to the sale but your given links to coupons to print, store coupons that can be “stacked” for more savings, and the ladies there even let you know how low you can go with your savings.
I almost forgot to mention that the stores aren’t just for groceries, it’s so much more.
Not a sale per se but I got a notice of a big price drop on a flight. So this Labor Day I am off for a short beach vacation! Being flexible on dates and a solo traveler can mean big discounts, and while you would think a lot of people might be flying on national vacations when they are off work, actually most of them have plans closer to home and the planes are half empty!
I just hit Michaels today for some things I needed to finish up crafts. 20% off your purchase (including sale items) AND a 40% off one regular priced item. Good deals! Every little bit helps. Some of the places I use to print projects for my Etsy are having sales this weekend too. Vistaprint and Snapfish are both having some great discounts for posters, prints and fliers!
Labor day sales are the best! The ones I always hit are Kate Spade, the myriad airline sales, Stubbs & Wooten, & Loft’s flash sale. Labor day is probably the best day to go to outlet malls, I always find insane deals there! If you’re a crafter definitely check out your local stores, my local Hobby Lobby had a great coupon going on.