Pecans Are All Over Out There!
The pecans have begun to fall just as I knew they would. It’s that time of year again and it’s truly amazing to be blessed with a beautiful and fruitful yard. We have five pecan trees out there and two of the trees produce every year, two others every other year or so and one we cannot get to the nuts because it’s surrounded by bushes….. That makes me sad! Oh well though, I can see that tree doesn’t have any nuts on it this year anyways. So maybe by next year we can have it cleared out some.
Do you have any kind of trees that produce fruit or nuts in your yard? I never had pecan trees before and they’re super awesome! I made some delicious candies with the pecans yesterday, I toasted them in a dry pan on the stove top mixing frequently to prevent burning. Once all toasted I put them on a paper plate in the refrigerator so they could cool off.
I melted 4 Squares of Lindt 90% Supreme Dark Chocolate in a make shift double boiler with coconut oil. Once that was all melted I turned off the water under the double boiler and moved it off the heat, but left it on top the pan. I did sweeten the chocolate with some Liquid Sucralose. While that was sitting I mixed 1.5 oz whipped cream cheese which is 1.5 carbs, I sweetened the cream cheese to my liking added approximately a tsp of maple extract to it and stirred it up until it was mixed well. I chopped up the pecans to small pieces almost like ice cream topping nuts. Mixed all the nuts into the maple flavored cream cheese and it was very thick.
I have a cute little mold that is super flexible and the mold shape is little hearts. I filled each mold halfway with chocolate. Then I added about a regular marble sized ball of maple flavored cream cheese and pushed it down into each mold until the chocolate covered over the top of the cream cheese. Placed in freezer till morning and Oh My!
These turned out freaking amazing.
This made 15 little hearts! You should try it. You’ll Love IT! You can reduce the carb count by using FineNaturals Cocoa Powder, it’s less than 1 net carb per serving which is a tablespoon! You could easily use 2 tbsp of the FineNaturals Cocoa Powder and 4 tbsp of coconut oil of your choice. I prefer a non coconut flavored oil. Sweeten it to your liking and you have yourself a delicious fast freezing chocolate! Coconut oil freezes fast, you can also mix half coconut oil, half butter. That’s delicious too. It changes the texture of the chocolate when frozen.
What does adding different oils or butter do to frozen chocolate?
- Using straight coconut oil will freeze up really fast usually in 10 minutes or so, the texture of the chocolate will be crisp and crunchy. It’s almost like ice but not so hard, it crunches easily. I don’t know how else to explain it.
- When you use half butter and half coconut oil it changes that crunch just a little bit and melts a little less oily.
- When you use straight butter (which I do love doing) the chocolate doesn’t have a crunch at all. It’s really creamy and more the way I like it!
I hope this helps in your deciding which oil or butter you need or want to use in candy. Making low carb and sugar free candy is really a lot easier than most people realize! Butter, cocoa powder, sweetener, extracts of your choice(optional), nuts, etc…. Anything that fits into our food list!
So don’t be afraid to just try it! It’s SUPER easy I promise!
This post is NOT a sponsored and NOT a paid post. I linked to Wikipedia for details about the Pecan Trees. No monetary value or product was given for this post. This post does however contain affiliate links, if you were to order something I’d simply earn some change. Thank you for reading.
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