We Know Every Sunday is Back to Academy for the Hub’s, but Today was off to the Doctor’s for My Son!
I struggle with him going to the academy every week, I cannot wait for him to complete it 100%! So I’m dreading tomorrow, however my son hasn’t been feeling the best. So this morning he woke me up at 4 something in the morning not feeling good, having pain in his tummy. He has been having some nausea the last few days too, asking me to check his temp. His temps been fine, but he just has tummy aching. Well some of you know my son has Autism and I don’t know if he always explains feelings he has the same as others would. Is his pain, heartburn? Does it feel like a burn?
We all have stomach issues as far as G.E.R.D. and Acidity problems, well not so much me now a days that I eat more low carb and sugar free. My husband and son eat everything though! Well my husband calls me after they’re done at the doctor’s office, I couldn’t go today. He tells me that he mentioned to the doc that he wasn’t sure if it was on the record or not but our son has autism. The doctors immediate response was basically oh ya, it’s obvious, no need to say any more. My husband went on to ask him about these stretch marks on the back of my sons legs, he’s had this since birth! Again another thing that happens from autism he said, plus kids with it also tend to bulk up on weight a bit too, because of the lesser activity.
It’s hard to get my son up and moving, seriously it is! I get him stuff that will make him get up and walk around! Even if it’s a game! Pokemon go would be great for him, but I cannot let him wander off either! He probably wouldn’t like that game though, it’s not his thing. lol He has his own thing, it’s a little bit dark and morbid, but humorous nothing to really be concerned with. Aside from the autism, he’s A LOT like me and my dad with a mix of the hubby!
One of the games that will get him making laps around our house is Animal Crossing on 3DS! lol That kid will go for 20 minutes to make up 1600 steps, he’s a little bit of a slower walker. He strictly walks on his tiptoes, again just like I did… LOL how does he know these things to just do them??? It’s crazy, but amazing too! My grandma used to tease me cause I walked on my tippy toes everywhere I went, but only when barefoot! He does the same thing, he still partially stands on palm of foot even with shoes on. Anyways, it’s funny how your kids can be so much like you and never seen you at them younger days! My love he is!
The doctor’s visit went well overall, he was given zantac 150 and he nicely prescribed a face wash to help with his acne, that kid has it bad! They’re stopping for a snack then home!
It’s been a few hours since they came back home and my son was very quiet. I went in to check on him and found him sound asleep with his headphones on and his computer still on his bed, sound asleep.
What’s planned for your Saturday and Sunday! Tomorrow the hubby is gone again till Thursday night! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Nightmare! or is it? Muhahahahahahahaha!
I recognize the headphone, my nephew wears one as well.
As you mentioned you have less stomach problems after you started a LCHF diet and eat less sugar,
maybe ur hubby should try that as well and see what comes out of it.
I mention ur hubby, as maybe getting your son to eat new things could be an even bigger challenge.
Wishing you well this week!
Warm regards.