Week 10: Off To The #Academy Again…. #HardworkingMan
You know I am grateful for all of the hard work the hubby does to keep us a float in this chaotic world. He has went back to college, got a couple degrees in Law, Constitutional Law, Forensics, Deviant Behavior, Criminal Justice, Etc…. After he completed all of his schooling and even before he completed it, he started to apply at local police departments. However never getting in, he could pass everything, just they’d rather take other people like military first. But whatever, he went to a job fair, I mean he has all this education and nowhere to apply it. He decided to put in an app to work as a corrections officer and that worked out beautifully, thus far.
So, he’s on week 10 now of the #Academy and has 2 more weeks after this one. I’ll be so glad to have him home in bed at night with me again. This has been a bit of a nightmare for me! Seriously, I hate being alone all this time! My son is here too, but I’m the only adult, decision maker and can’t drive! If I’m forced to have to drive, I will though! But I just cannot wait for things to change for the better.
I am nervous about him working in a prison though. He’s a good guy though if someone thinks he’d do anything he shouldn’t , man – o – man do they have another thing comin’!
He’s seriously an honest guy and is always straight forward. I have yelled at him for this before, only because sometimes people don’t need to know so much info. LOL but look at me writing on the internet! LOL Oh well!
I am proud of him for being so strong and capable of doing what he is doing, because I damn sure couldn’t. We’re just awaiting his Graduation and I surely hope we can somehow get some photos. I don’t know if I’ll be able to even make it up there.
There used to be all farm, but now there are two houses over here. You cannot see the other, because this big ole house is in the way!
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