When it comes to our children, it’s always been of the utmost importance to keep the house clean and safe for our sweet baby. As our son grew, we noticed he had allergies and asthma. I take every measure possible to keep everything nice and tidy.
One of my favorite things to do this is to make my own homemade cleaning products that are safe, healthy, and kid-friendly, which means they won’t hurt him. Remember to check your cleaning products for toxic chemicals and try to stay away from them.
Our family also made the choice to go BPA-free. I watch every glass and plastic bottle we bring into our home. Look for bottles with the 1, 2, and 5 symbols, but don’t buy the bottles with numbers 3, 6, or 7. You can also keep the air in your home cleaner by changing the filters in your HVAC system, which is something we do every 30 days.
Another way to stay healthier is to eat fresh food, not canned foods. I love the variety of colors we eat, and that alone makes it easier to get our son to eat some of the veggies. He’s a little picky, but we manage to get him to enjoy veggies, whether it’s by eating or drinking. He loves when I juice, and I do, too, because I know he’s getting a full dose of vitamins in that fresh, delicious juice.
Want to learn more ways to make your home healthier and safer for your kids? Take a look at the infographic below for more tips and information.
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