October’s Earnings! How Much Did Your Blog Earn? I’m a little late with posting my earnings, but it’s here! I didn’t earn a whole ton this month. That’s normal though. I don’t always earn a lot like I did in September. I hope that changes in the future though, I’m working on it. So…
September’s Earnings! How Much Did Your Blog Earn?
September’s Earnings! How Much Did Your Blog Earn? So this month I have to say I did a little better than last month and the month before. My hopes are that this can continue! I have earned about a grand this month. Which is super cool because it’s extra income for our household. We normally…
Samsung Chromebook Giveaway!!
Organized by One Punky Mama Prize: Samsung Chromebook Event dates: 8/26 – 09/16 Free & Paid Options Available Sign Up Here
Blogger Opp: What’s On Your Wish List Event
What’s On Your Wish List Event
Visitors to DalevilleAlabamaKitchens
I must admit it’s really hard to get good quality visitors to my site. I have been working hard sharing, posting and linking up to get this site going. I hope to get more visitors and grow my site into a huge community of Parents, Bloggers, Shoppers, Entrepreneur’s and more! Thank you for visiting if…