Going Just a Little Crazy! It’s crazy cause maybe 4 – 6 times a year, my son goes to spend the night some where. That’s it he’s seriously never out of my control except during that time and he’s with family. I’m serious when I say I know what he’s doing all the time, except…
The Awesome Gravity Maze Review! #ThinkFun
The Awesome Gravity Maze Review! Our family had the wonderful pleasure of receiving the Gravity Maze for a review. Well at first I looked at it and thought, hmmmmmm? So I called my son to check it out and instantly his eyes were huge and he said what is that? So I explained and read…
Kids and technology!
Kids in these days are more educated in the technological knowledge rather than traditional school topics. Very often they can teach their parents how to use particular devices. In general it is good that the youngest are so willing to learn new things, however usually it happens with harm to the school knowledge. Technology in…
Babies, Babies, Babies They’re Everywhere! #Babies
Babies, Babies, Babies They’re Everywhere! Everyone is having or just had a baby! I think Baby Fever is going around for sure! I have been looking at some awesome ideas for gifts and it’s really hard to decide these days what exactly to choose. A lot of things cost so much and it’s like is…
My Son Can So Easily Bring Me To Tears! #Babylove
This kid killed me when he was little and at this age, don’t get me wrong he still my sweet baby boy. I just really love when he told his little stories, but you couldn’t understand anything really that he says. He brings me to tears lol mostly cause having him was a super emotional…
Countdown Rings! #Kids #Art&Crafts
Countdown Rings! There are a lot of ways to keep a little one excited about a holiday. Most people use calendars and let them mark a day at a time off on it. This is a Great Idea, but there are other neat ways too. These Countdown Rings are a fabulous way to keep…
Money Savvy Blue Pig Review
Money Savvy Pig We had the pleasure of receiving a Blue Money Savvy Pig for purpose of a review. Honestly I love this pig! When it first arrived I removed it from box and looked it over and was impressed and I liked how you could open the bank in four places. One for each…
Got the boy putting away dishes muhahahahaha :)
One day he’s gonna wanna kick mama’s butt I got him putting away all the silverware for me. On the occasion I make him do something in the kitchen. Not to often though he has slippery fingers and I wanna keep my corelle dishes I still have and our sink is either porcelain or…
Leo and I dyed Easter Eggs! I know some may say its to early to be dying easter eggs, but really its not. Leo does not eat the Easter Eggs anyways we end up eating them. We saved one for the Bunny, we drew a bunny on it and colored it nice! We did not…