What you’ll need:
1/4 Cup of Liquid Fabric Softener (you pick what you like)
2 tablespoons Baking Soda (optional it leaves film on everything, I dont include Baking Soda in mine)
Hot tap water
Spray bottle (33 oz.)
Pour your Fabric Softener, Baking soda and hot tap water in to the bottle and shake! Wahhlaaaa Homemade Febreze!
Store bought febreze is over 5 dollars a bottle, you will save a lot of money using this method!
I buy the Dollar General Brand which is really good to, but this makes having febreze around a lot longer and for cheaper too!
That’s it simple as pie! Not that pie is simple lol
Fabric Softener 2.00
Baking Soda $0.75
Water $0.00
Total $2.75
I would guesstimate it around $0.10 a bottle of Febreze!
That’s a Savings you cannot beat, unless you use coupons to buy fabric softener and baking soda.
I love DIY item and this would cost a fraction of what Febreeze costs
I never thought of making my own Febreze what a wonderful money saving idea. Thanks for posting.
thank you for this idea.:) it would be great to try and save as well.
wow! that was easy … i might try this one too … thanks for sharing
I love febreze. I am definitely gonna be picking up the supplies and try to make this myself! Thanks for sharing.
I just made it my son was amazed lol he said we dont have to buy it no more. I said nope mama will make it from now on!
I couldnt believe how easy lol and my son was amazed by it lol it smells good even using cheap fabric softener lol
omg it works to
smells good and its cheap woot there it is lol
Love this, I can make it with the scents I want. Thank you for sharing.
Great idea and so much more affordable. Thanks so much.
This is great! Yah, you’re right, buying Febreeze can really cost me a fortune. Thank’s for this brilliant idea!
This is very nice, I can’t wait to try it. I still need to buy a fabric softener though. Thanks for this very affordable tips
You are awesome, I would certainly try this too. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, I can’t believe you can make your own and it’s way cheaper too.
thanks for sharing this tip.
You can buy the dollar store kind as long as it smells good to you! If you think its not strong enough of a smell once mixed add a little more fabric softener.