We planned last week to go to my mom’s house today and have a Ham Dinner! I totally forgot to take dinner pictures, Darn it! It was yummy and even Leo ate some, he hardly eats anything good.
While driving I took pictures of Alabama the Beautiful!
This was the first stop to take the dog out of the car so he could take a breather. We have one of them you can’t leave him home, but can’t take him with you.
He has separation anxiety, we didn’t realize how bad until we set a camera up and left the house. Not realizing how upset he was actually getting, until we got to my mom’s house a few weekends ago and all he did was howl and bark, NON STOP!! I was so sad when I seen him responding this way. Needless to say we didn’t stay long at mom’s house after seeing him on webcam losing his mind. I felt so bad cause now I know just what he’s been doing every time we leave.
We only have a little pick up truck that takes a long haul and man it was a long one, stopping every little bit when he was slobbering to much.
This Picture looks Unreal, I used that Pop Art Feature on the camera again. Most pictures I am using it!
Our Antenna in the middle of the picture lol
I was trying to get the flowers but its so bright and we were going like 60 mph so it was hard to get a good clear, clear image. They were bright and colorful
Dothan, Alabama (South East Alabama)
I seen this truck and had to grab the camera!
My annoyed son in the back he was eating something as you can see it’s still on his face!
These photos are gorgeous and I love the snap of the the truck you took. Such a beautiful mural!
that’s a wonderful place and i wish i can have dinner with my mom often too but that’s impossible because they live thousands of miles away from me
She used to live almost a thousand miles away. We moved our family closer to her about 12 years after she moved down here from Michigan. I got pregnant with my first at 30 years old, I was told I’d probably not have any kids. So I had to be closer to Grandma so she could know her special grandson
ohhh I missed her like crazy to!!
Thank you
I liked the truck to and couldn’t pass it by.
I’ve been to Dothan! Looks like a gorgeous day.
Love those pics! And the look on your son’s face is priceless lol! I love that you can take your dog with you
Such a good doggie mom!
Beautiful pictures! Would you like to be left locked up in a house all by yourself for many hours? Well–neither do animals!! Even my cat gets upset if I leave her for more then a few hours!!
Great pictures! Your dog sounds like my big dog. He just has a heck of a time when I am away. I was in the hospital for 6 days and he was a wreck (even though my son and husband were home with him). I have been also been to Dothan before! It is such a small world
I love livin’ in the South! <3
Well that’s life cause they cant go every where with us!
Me too!! I was born in Detroit, Michigan and lived there and Warren, Michigan my whole life till 2007. We moved to be closer to my mom and other family down here in Alabama.
Beautiful pictures. I have two dogs that do not do well when left home and one does not travel well, she is getting better but still not pretty. Glad you care enough to take yours with you.
you have dramatic photos here. very lovely! i wish we have such warm weather here in upper PA.
Lovely, thanks for sharing those random photos, i have fun watching them. love it when family gets together.
Oh wow, those are some beautiful photos you took.