I honestly never really have thought about being trapped in an elevator with a famous person from history before. This could bring up more than one person, but after watching the movie Lincoln tonight I’d have to say he would be a pretty interesting character. I imagine if he were in an elevator he’d probably ask why we are in a moving box. I like the way that Lincoln was portrayed in this movie, I like the mild calm almost crazy demeanor he has.
I think that there are a lot of famous people from our history that would be neat to be trapped in an elevator. Now I’m not big on Elvis, but could you imagine him being trapped in an elevator shaking his pelvis. LOL saying Thank you, Thank you very much. What about Jim Morrison, I love Jim he’s one of my favorites!! I could imagine he would poetically put me to sleep if I could stop staring into his gorgeous eyes. What about Janis Joplin she was so cool, it’s been said she wasn’t the prettiest and was boyish. Shoot these days that is the norm, I’d love to talk to Janis about the times her and Jim Morrison both lived in.
I sometimes feel like my time would have been the 50′s I love that era!
I think it is interesting how all of us are drawn to a different era. I think Janis and Jim are great picks.
Lincoln is on my list of movies to watch. Just have to find time to sit awhile to see it!
My era is the late 50’s 60’s (I am 62!)–I loved Janis Joplin and all the others of that time frame. Lincoln would be interesting to be stuck in an elevator with-I really have to go see that movie!