Our Thanksgiving Feast!
At this years Thanksgiving Feast I didn’t invite everyone over to my home. It was just us here: Hubby, Leo and myself. I roasted a big ole 22 lb Turkey and made stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy and dinner rolls. Plus I made a pumpkin ribbon bread and 2 pumpkin pies! It was all so delicious!
Dinner was delicious as usual. I normally invite everyone over and have like 15 or so people here and we have lots of fun. I just don’t know how much fun it is really though. I really want them to come over more, but it seems like everyone is too busy with their own lives even though most of them do nothing. Maybe spouses work, but they don’t and well dang it. I feel annoyed sometimes because I moved from Michigan here to be close to them all. I enjoy cooking a huge feast and having everyone here. I may not have the biggest home or most beautiful and sometimes we have to pull in chairs from the porch, but it’s still cool to get everyone here. I just really wish we could do it more often, never know what tomorrow holds and with that being said I’m done writing. My goal was to get up to 350 words but I’m struggling tonight for some reason.
I know I have a few reviews to write about a mask and sleepy oils, the mask kept falling of and once I found it balled up on the floor. LOL shhhh maybe I wasn’t a good candidate for it, but hey there are lots of people like me who would buy it and try it. I sleep sound and honestly I didn’t mind the mask and oil it was calming and relaxing. I also have to do a T-shirt review, which I’m glad about we just got the shirt, but I think she wanted it by the 12th, but it came yesterday and I’m working in slowly but surely. Ohh I just wanted to say I made it to 350 words finally!! lol
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