Cake from scratch!
Have you ever been online searching for cake recipes and you want a cake from scratch recipe. Not a box recipe, I get so annoyed when I see a recipe for a cake and then load it up and it says use a box of cake mix with these ingredients. Argh! That is just the most aggravating thing ever! I am a Baker at Heart <3 I do not want to use boxed cake mix, I want to make it from scratch 100%! There is nothing like baking that perfect cake and seeing the look on your family’s face when they see the inside of it. So moist, soft and fluffy whether it’s chocolate, white, red or carrot. I enjoy making them all from scratch, I will say when making a vanilla or white cake it can be a bit harder if you do not have the appropriate ingredients.
I was just browsing pinterest and honestly this Black Velvet Cake looked divine with a white icing on it. I was intrigued with it and wanted to check out the recipe. When I finally got to the page it said boxed cake mix first ingredient. I closed the page! I know it may seem petty cause it’s just a cake, but it’s not the same to me. I never have cake mix I make them all myself, same thing with brownies, muffins and bread omg I love baking breads! Baking is my favorite hobby besides this here thing called the internet and computer!
See here is a cake I made for my sons birthday a few years back. This was one of the hardest cakes I ever made! Here is the Mario Cake I made for my son’s 8th Birthday. This cake took me a little bit of time to make too. I made it all from scratch except the fondant. I did buy that. I must admit I really do not like fondant, I do however love ganache icing!
I have also made some pretty awesome Peanut Butter Cupcakes this one time and they were so good! Now I added Peanut Butter chips and when I made them I had no more cupcake papers and so made four in my small ramekins and baked them all. When the ramekins were done I immediately put chocolate and peanut butter chips on them so they could melt. Boom instant frosting no mixing involved. Now the other ones I did make a frosting for and it was a chocolate ganache, I think. It’s been a while since I made them and I didn’t list a recipe on the page for the Cupcakes.
Another delicious kind of cake I love to make that actually intimidated me initially is Cheesecake! I never dreamed cheesecake could be so flipping easy! I make a delicious Old Fashioned Cheesecake! Cheesecake is one of them versatile recipes where you can pretty much add anything into it. You should try making a Cheesecake it’s really easy and turns out delicious, if you don’t have a springform pan like I don’t. You can use foil in a deep cake pan or deep round dish. That’s what I do and I really need to get me a springform pan.
I also recently mastered the making of a Cannoli! These were absolutely amazing I just could not believe how authentic they tasted, at least to what I have had before. I have had several different types from chocolate chips to pistachio sprinkled on the ends of them. This believe it or not is one of the most easiest desserts you could ever make. You need only a few ingredients for the filling and shells. You do need the rods to deep fry the shells, some people also bake them. I was thinking of trying that next time and see how the shells come out. I love them fried though that’s for sure. Check out my Cannoli Recipe!
When I first started making bread products I started with something I thought would be simple, like yeast dinner rolls. I must confess they weren’t as easy as the breads I make now. The dinner rolls were so freaking good though! I’m not kidding! If you check the link dinner rolls you will see what I mean. That’s my recipe for them.
Some of the breads I’ve made have been amazing and some have been just okay. I always try to make a good bread, but sometimes when it’s a new recipe it doesn’t always come out like you want it too. I have made the Asian BBQ Pork Roll Recipe with other fillings besides BBQ Pork and this dough is never like the girl on the video’s dough. I watched her make this over and and over, but not matter how many times I weigh the ingredients my dough still is nothing like hers. This recipe turns out beautiful though so there are no worries. We love them so much! I made just the bread part of the recipe for dinner rolls on Christmas too.
I have also made my own Homemade Tortilla Shells! Let me tell you they rocked! They were kinda chulapa like and they were really just better than any fast food taco’s that is for sure! The best part about making your own Homemade Tortilla Shells is you can put whatever ingredients you would like to put in them. I love to make chicken and steak burritos or soft taco’s, just depends on the size you make. The recipe I have only makes around 8 – 10 depending on the size, which is only around 7 or 8 inches around.
Well I hope you can find some use in these recipes I have shared! I hope you and your family enjoy them as much as we have! Don’t be afraid to try something new! You don’t know how good it could turn out!
Do you enjoy baking? Do you prefer boxed cake? It’s okay if some people do, I just wish you could get an idea before loading pages whether or not it’s a cake mix or homemade recipe.
Wow, made from scratch, That looks so yummy and so moist!
Awesome, that looks yummy and fluffy!