What are our Goals for this New Year 2014?

Photo attribution to Stuart Miles on FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Actually there are numerous top of the list, try to just eat a little bit more healthy. Not to necessarily lose weight, but to hopefully just feel better and if a little weight loss comes with that it would be just fine! In this process I would like to show our son more ways he can use fruits and veggies to make delicious snacks, drinks and salads. Get our whole family to eat less fried and more baked or grilled, with more fresh vegetables than we do eat. We haven’t always been a big fan of the fresh green beans, brussel sprouts or other good for you sides. I personally have always hated vegetables, but as I have hit 40 it seems like I’m taking in a lot more good for you foods. That is a good start for the New year for sure!
Another is to get a little more on the schooling with our son, I always homeschool. However I am not shoving it down his throat, but as he gets older I can see how much more he could take in, than when he was a little younger and is getting to be such a bright young man. I love his imagination and innocence, he’s my sweetheart.
Also to try and be more patient with my husband, he can really get my last nerve lol and sometimes I could just blow my top at him! I guess that’s life, but I wish it wasn’t like that. Now don’t get me wrong he’s Great we just have our occasional moments. I tend to be noisy is all lol I am comparable to Roseanne Barr in the old show called Roseanne. Hubby loved that about me, I was vocal and spoke my mind, but I guess he didn’t bargain for the debate I can give him on some things.
Another big part of what I would like to improve is my blogging and working at home to a much higher level. I have been doing a lot of reading on how to improve my blogging skills and my blogs stats as far as PR, DA and SEO. It’s a bit of work, but I know I’m smart enough to do it. A little secret about me the highest grade in school I completed was the 5th grade. I just taught myself everything I know, reading! If I didn’t know how to read I would truly be lost and this is one of the things I always stress to our son. I couldn’t have taught myself all of the things I have without being able to read. I can do a lot of different things that some people would really be surprised about. I surprise myself, I couldn’t imagine if I would have really been able to finish school. I probably could have done college, but I’m content. I enjoy the little I do at home, but I been thinking of putting myself on a schedule for the week and I think doing this would really help discipline my work habit. I could get more writing jobs, advertisements and so forth. So I plan on building up my blogs at least 3x more than what I posted and shared in 2013.
I would also like to get a bit more exercise. It’s not as easy as it once was, back when I lived in Michigan I could run! I was heavy, but I could move much more freely. When we moved to Alabama on May 26, 2007 I was taking my son to his first doctors visit on June 1, 2007 and my van was totaled and my legs took a hard hit. As I hit my brake pedal with both feet, I had impact that pushed my floorboard up and basically jammed my feet back at me. However I was able to get out and walk. Honestly I made sure my son was okay and I wanted to go beat the crap out of the person who rammed me while he went through a red light. It was a damaging accident for me both physically and mentally. I basically never drove again, except in rare occasions when I had no choice in the situation. Then in 2010 I was going out to feed the dogs and I had a special surprise of some spaghetti mixed in with their dog food. Now I didn’t do this often and it never seemed to have a bad affect on them, they love something a little special now and then. I give my dogs every year Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. I ended up falling down the steps when going to to feed them. Boom Broke legs, the doc said only one leg was broke. I honestly think they misdiagnosed me and I actually had a small break in the other leg too. Now that leg is very large at the bottom and hurts all the time. So I have a really hard time using my treadmill, but I will try to do more without killing myself in the process. I also have no health insurance so that is part of why I would like to earn more with my blogging and online work I do. I just want to be more active altogether as well as get my son moving more often than he does too.
All and all I just want to be a better mom, wife, friend and family member to everyone that I can. Life is to short to dwell on the bad things, just try to do better next time or simply look on the bright side. Sometimes all you can do is be as happy as you want to be and that’s just it. If you spout happiness people around you would also feel it too, which can be a flood of happiness.
I also hope that you and all your friends and family have the best upcoming year you can ever dream of having and make every moment count, because you never know what tomorrow holds!
What are some of your goals or your resolution?
Lots of Love!
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