How’d he learn that?
We have a mutt for a dog, we cannot tell what he is because he looks like so many different kinds of breeds. His mom is a mixed breed hound and his daddy we just don’t know anymore there were several options. At first we really thought he looked like an Irish Wolf Hound, that changed a bit, I mean he still does, then he doesn’t. Anyways this do pooch is pretty darn smart, but the one thing I want him to do he never does unless I have a treat. That is come when I call him! He doesn’t like to listen when I call him, now I am one who is normally loud and he really doesn’t like me. I mean he loves me, but he doesn’t like my voice. I don’t yell at him I’m just loud and vocal, I didn’t change when my son was a baby I’m not going to change for this dog. He does everything I say though except come, so we are working on that. I use videos from youtube to teach him. I go watch them, watch how they do the training several times usually. I want to make sure I understand completely the more you watch the more you can remember. So whose video’s did I use? Her name is Kikopup on youtube. She is amazing and her dogs are too! I learned so much from watching her videos and I really recommend others to use them as a tool for teaching your pet!
Here is a video of our pooch sitting pretty. This was when he was still learning and he really had trouble for sometime with his balance. Now he sits square on his butt now, he just holds it and stays in the sitting pretty position!
Can your dog do tricks too?
Cute dog. I have have a Tabby cat, her name is Cuddles. We have been threw alot together. That’s so great you watch training videos on Youtube. Animals are a blessing, they are good to you if you are good to them. Pure love. Have a good night!
we have three kitties and I agree they are so loyal! You have a good night too!