My Christmas Gift I Had To Wait For!
My mom came over the day after Christmas which I posted photos showing you guys this. When she left her house to come to ours she had 5 kids, their mom and all their gifts in the car and she just didn’t have room for this big ole box. So when we went by there on Friday I was able to pick it up and so happy thinking I can make sausage or my own burger meat! She got me Deni Meat Grinder! I haven’t tried it, but it has a recipe book and a recipe for Ham Salad which I’ll be making for the hubby’s lunches over next couple days.
I would also like to make some of my own burger meat! Not sure if I want to do a chicken, pork or beef though. I know my son loves meat balls maybe I will make a variety meat ball LMAO
Do you like to get creative in the kitchen and make things you haven’t ever made before. I sure do and it’s so fun! Sometimes it can be difficult until you figure out the recipe. Then I knock it out of the park once it’s mastered!
And I cannot forget to say Thanks Mom!! She runs go check her out sometime and follow her blog too! Thanks for Reading!
What is one of your favorite recipes? and why?
Sweet mom of yours! She knew you’re a good cook that’s why she’s giving you something that you will enjoy.
Ahem, lo]=ts of sausages coming soon hehehe.