What’s The Top 3 Questions You Should Ask An Attorney Before Retaining Them?
Well if you have been injured or had a car accident there can be an immediate flood of questions. When I had my accident all I could think of was why did this guy run the light? My next thought was great I have no insurance how will I pay for these medical bills, because I was injured.
I got my phone book out and I started looking, then I hit the net to see reviews on the different places. I seen one that stood out and said for personal injury questions, car accident. This was what I needed, since I was in an accident that wasn’t my fault and I had several witnesses on site!
As I browsed the net I seen click here to learn more and I did. I got their number and thought what do I need to ask when I call them? The first question I asked of the main three was did I have a case? Second question is what are the fee’s and how do they work? Is it a flat rate or a percentage? The third question is What do I do if the other person’s insurance company is calling me?
Those are just three questions of course you could probably come up with a lot more questions to ask. It’s good to be knowledgeable about something like this, especially if you have a case. I would make a list of questions before going into the attorney’s office!
personal injury questions, car accident
I am glad that you mentioned thee three points, most of the time people hire attorney to just get compensation without having actual case. As a result they wasted their money and time in a greed of compensation. People needs to be honest with attorneys so that they can analyze whether it is worth to file a case or not.