Some Awesome Cakes I Made For My Family!
For Birthdays, Holidays and Special Occasions I make cakes for my Family. I love making cakes they are one of my favorite things to make.
I have made a Nice Little Father’s Day Cake for the Hubby one year. I made a chair and I used Lego’s to make the chair then I covered the chair with fondant. It was just the easiest way to do it for myself, because I didn’t want to use so much fondant for the chair. I even made a little man holding a remote control sitting on his chair.
I made some cute little purse cakes for my mom and sister for Mother’s Day! They loved them and honestly I shocked myself! I got the idea from a wonderful lady Amy who I seen on Cupcake Wars on TV’s Food Network Channel. I later found her on Facebook became friends with her and see all the awesome cakes she makes. I seen the purse cakes and thought OMG those would be awesome for Mother’s Day cakes! So I went for it!
I made a Pirate Ship Cake for my son’s Birthday back a quite a few years now. This was a harder cake to make and I made the fondant myself and that was hard work! I made a rollable chocolate buttercream and kept adding powder sugar till it was like fondant. It was a cake that had to stay in the refrigerator for fear of melting icing. lol
I also made this Fabulous cake for my smarty pants nephew lol yes for a boy. I made him a Gothic Barbie Cake! He loved it! lol It was a cool cake and something I could do again if needed. I made cupcakes to go with it, they had fondant skulls on them.
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
Gothic Barbie Cake made for my Nephew Adam!
Yep a boy! Made by Marie Baker @
I also made this cute little practice with fondant swirling cake. It was just for fun and to test my strength in mixing colors into fondant, cause that’s hard work! Fondant is harder than playdoh and really stiff at first.
Last but not least and was the Tastiest! Was this Bundt style cake that I made with a whipped cream type of icing and used chocolate, pecans and cherries on top of it. This was for the family when everyone came for dinners I used to have at least once a month, I tried.
Hope you enjoyed some of my cakes! I have made lots more but some I have to find photos of as they were taken long ago.
Wow! You have made fantastic cakes Marie
I don’t like to eat cake a lot but I am always fascinated on how they are decorated. Took the classes and boy it’s addicting 
Thanks Mel
I love making them!
Great cakes. My son wold love the pirate ship one.
Beautiful cakes, Marie! Do you ever make vegan cakes?
Very creative cakes!! I can barely bake-the thought of decorating a cake makes me shiver. The last time I tried the icing ended up everywhere but the cake!
Awesome cake designs and they look so good. Great job making them all.
You’ve done some lovely cakes!! I like the last one the best because it sounds the yummiest =D