Our Kitchen Is Taking Some Time!
I figured out a place to hang my pans. I was unsure where they were gonna go because we really have a much smaller kitchen. I have to admit it really sucks! It’s coming along though and hopefully it will be finished soon. Those pans hanging there are my new Paula Deen Pans Love’m Just wish they weren’t teflon. Other than that they are great love the colors of them a darker red speckled with white.
I found somewhere to put my spices since we have these cupboards I will NOT use above the counters on the wall. I want them removed, but the landlord doesn’t think they are that bad. He said he has a cleaning lady who he normally has come in and do that, but he didn’t for some reason. Which he really should have these cupboards are disgusting in my honest opinion. So I put my spices in this neat little shelf we got from craigslist.
Sure hope things are finished soon, so I can feel normal and feel like I like my kitchen.
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