Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
So our plan for today was to go to my sisters house. I wasn’t cooking, we couldn’t really afford to buy a Easter Dinner this year. So we got to eat at my sisters house, she made a nice big spread of both chicken and ham, plus all the fixin’s! My mom, some nieces, my nephew and his fiance were all there. My other nephew came later so I stole the photos from facebook, but my sister don’t care
I don’t personally eat a lot of ham, it’s way too salty for me and actually can cause me to have chest pain, pretzels too. I’m just not a big fan of ham though, maybe cubed on a pizza or in eggs for breakfast. I always chop small or but diced in small cubes.
We had fun over there we took the dog and he got to be out at someone elses house and was pretty good about. He’s a bit crazy though and there were cows across the road and he always gets loose so we had to keep going in and out of the house to go from walking to kennel. He was in kennel when we ate then back out after. Plus he got lots of yummy treats he was just waiting for the next taste of goodies! He is starting to handle the car ride much better too, especially being in the kennel in the back. I’m so glad we can take him in the car, now if we could just leave him at home without him going insane. He has destroyed his cage where he cannot be locked up at all while we go to grocery store or nothing. So Hubby is always going to the grocery store.
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