Yay, I’m So Happy With Google Today!
I recently lost my pagerank and so I took care of the problem and today to my surprise when I was on my site I noticed I had a pagerank again! I was overjoyed! It’s funny though because I only recently last year learned what a pagerank even was or that they even existed! When this site had a pagerank of 2, I thought I must be doing something right!
Suddenly, one day I received an email from Google telling me that I had too many unnatural links, I didn’t realize writing reviews and having links on my site made it appear spammy. I thought my site was pretty clean. That wasn’t exactly what they meant though. See when you put links on your website you should always use rel=”nofollow” in your link. This will save you from possibly losing your pagerank because of unnatural outbound links.
I had commentluv installed and I also allowed everyone to add their link to my site when posting comments. Well not anymore! I will delete every link from each comment on any of my blogs, not to be mean. But to keep my site with it’s pagerank. In turn if I happen to comment on anyone elses site I will no longer leave my link either! Now I’m not sure if doing that is good or bad, but I feel I shouldn’t burden anyone else with the thought of having to remove my link in all their comments, because google suddenly gets them!
All in all I had high hopes that I would get my rank back. I think I will have to slow the roll doing some sponsored posts here because I love my site! It’s purdy lol I am going to change the theme though to Easter!!!
Thanks for Reading!
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