Out Shooting in the Back 40!
So we decided to go shooting in our yard on Sunday. We set up targets and we enjoy seeing who can make it to the bullseye. My son didn’t feel like it today, we brought the dog out with us and hooked him up to the drag along trailer out back. He always goes crazy in the house when we go out together, so we figured come on you crazy dog. He just barked at us the whole time lol goofy dog. It was warm he had shade so no worries there, plus he had a bowl of water and only was out there like 20 minutes.
I have a .22 pistol handgun and I have owned it since like 1997 it’s even been stolen once from the trunk of my car and returned to me around 5 or 6 years later when the Roseville, Michigan Police Department sent me a letter saying my stolen gun had been found the case was over and I could have it back. When I got it back it was pretty beat up and looked like it had not been taken care of or cleaned. I love my little pistola!
Hubby has several guns I can shoot them all, but prefer not to because of the kick to my shoulder. However I would if I needed too! We really enjoy going out and unloading on a target that’s some fun! I am a pretty decent shot, I don’t even have to look down the little aim thing, I just point and fire. Usually, 7 out of 10 shots I hit it! Here are a few videos of our fun day shooting off the guns out in our back 40. It’s not really 40 acres it’s just fun to say! lol
Hubby Shooting First.
MzBaker Shooting Now
Video of where that bullet in the top photo was in the board we shoot at.
MzBaker Shooting again with finger rapid fire!
Hubby Shooting my Pistol now
We had lots of fun!
I’ve been to ranges before and practiced shooting. Guns are very powerful. Like how you have the target set up too.
Having always lived in populated areas I have an aversion to guns. Too many people accidentally shot and killed. You look like you have a big enough back yard to safely shoot at a target,
Wow I’ve never held a gun let alone shot one, how cool is that being able to practice in your own garden.
Looks like you hit closest to the bulls eye. Good job! It reminds me of my father. He kept guns for security guarding before and once in a while he has to test those guns and shotguns if they work. I was just able to hold one and never got to try firing a gun with bullet.
We did some shooting here in our yard and I felt scaryed at first but I had the fun too learning!
Way to go guys. Love your huge yard. We like practice shooting but we do it at my BIL’s property.