Fell Through Front Porch……..
So what happened exactly? Good Question! On June 1st 2014 I was taking the trash out in kind of a huffy state of mind thinking how the hubby should take out the trash without being asked. I was a bit annoyed! So I took the bag out of the can took it outside never stepping off of the porch. My husband was still out there getting ready to go to the store. I told him as I came out it would be nice if I didn’t have to ask you to do this and you did it when you see it’s full! So I bend down to raise the garbage can lid, dropped in the can, turned around took one step and BAM! My right leg goes right through an older weak board, while the other leg got bent all out of shape. I still am hoping it’s just a severe sprain considering how I can walk on it now. I wouldn’t go grocery shopping or hit the mall at this point, but to go whip something up to eat where I can sit down periodically. I even have to pull up a chair to dishes now cause of the foot, someone has to do them damn dishes lol So here I sit all broken and bored in my bed with the leg up and laptop in lap. Writing to you guys 6 days later telling you about my horrible experience.
The strange thing is this, I was thinking about the dates I injure myself the last 7 years since we been in Alabama. I never broke any bones except fingers when I was a kid. Once we moved here it was like a streak of bad luck accidents began for me. No Joke! We moved to Alabama on May 26 2007 and on June 1st 2007 I was head by another vehicle injuring my left leg. It was never diagnosed because I had no insurance and I could only go so far with no money and a letter of protection from attorney. So some time passes and on April 1st 2010 I went outside to feed the dogs and had a cookie sheet of goodies for them. I hit the bottom step and it was split in half, it separated and my foot went through and bam broke the right leg. I just thought it was crazy that when I fell this time it was again on June 1st 2014, 7 years to the day! Pretty crazy so from here out I will simply stay home and in bed on April 1st and June 1st for the rest of my life! LMAO
You should have it looked at to make sure it isn’t broken. It is possible that you could have even tore some tendons. I hope you feel better soon.
doesn’t look pretty!! I agree stay in and on the couch every 1st LOL
That must have hurt a lot! Take care, and get well soon!
Ouch! Funny story, and I’ll bet the garbage gets taken out on its own next time!
nope lol it didn’t get taken out yesterday either! I have to hobble out there and do it again, I’m just so freaked about the porch now!
I think on the first of every month you should just sit still and not move. Or be put in a plastic bubble to protect you!
Ouch! I hope you heal quickly and without complications.
If that is a sprain it is really bad..
Ouch! Hope it heals quickly?
Oh my Gosh, that looks painful Marie. I hope you are feeling better already.
aww feel better Marie. It does look painful.
Ouch that looks great pain! i hope you get somebody to have a proper look at it soonest
hope you’ll recover soon!