This Alabama Weather!
Let me just say that the weather has been so crazy here, rain, cold, sun, rain, rain and more rain! lol I love the rain, it slows down the building of homes hehe, I’m so bad I know.
The weather is confusing the plants! lol We had several beautiful 70+ degrees days, flowers bloomed and started falling right off the bush. I’m not really that familiar with this bush or what kind it is. But the flowers are very, very beautiful. They’re all a Pink color and some have white in them, kinda like the way carnations are. but these aren’t carnations.
My clovers are growing too, but they’re not yet blooming little purple flowers yet.
Soon I will start tearing up the yard to start my garden again! Woohooo! This time I’m planting all heirloom veggies and I cannot wait! My one cat lives outside, he won’t come in and stay. If I make him come in he goes to bathroom where ever he wants, usually the heater vent! So I go out everyday and love him and scratch his belly! He loves it, rolls all over and meows!
It’s crazy everywhere! I was in shorts two days ago and tonight it’s in the twenties.