This Little Beauty Showed Up Out Here! #Kitten #WildCats #Cats
So while hubby is gone to the academy, I was out walking the dog one morning and I hear this cat crying like she’s desperate for me to find her or her to find me. So I call “Kitty, Kitty” and here she comes running as fast as she could straight to me and then the dog lunged for her. So I ran to the house with the dog and came back out by myself. I didn’t think the dog would be a jerk towards her, because she was so small and a cat, he loves cats!
But when I went back out after taking the dog in, I called for her again and she came running to me like a crazy kitty. She’s so beautiful and I’d love to find her a home. Even if she belongs to someone, she appears to be a female as far as I can see anyways. I just hate that she’s loose out there in the wild to breed and reproduce. I wish I could spay or neuter her if it happens to be a boy.
I haven’t seen her now for two days though, so maybe she was an escapee and they brought her back into the house. I think she came from this little house next door, but I’m unsure.
Here are some photos of this little beauty! I call her Baby Girl, so hopefully she’s a girl LOL !
She’s a playful little kitty too! And if you play too much you will be taught a lesson as you can see from my next two photos! LOL I was moving my hand around and bam she got me like a piercing gun! lol
I’m not mad at her though! She’s just a kitten and it was so much fun!!
Here is a video of her pouncing and attacking NOTHING in a small hole! LOL She’s crazy, I tell ya, Crazy!
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